

Having a hard time selecting the best equipment and provider for your business?

SO MANY PROVIDERS HOW DO YOU CHOOSE?*258A9309-AB30-4749-B4BF-E18DD2ACE4A9*jpeg?alt=media&token=a1370a32-8f62-423c-a2dc-eb47d62ed341
VoIP is quickly gaining popularity, some small businesses are still on the sidelines, concerned that VoIP audio quality is substandard, that the technology is difficult or costly to implement, or that their phone service will be interrupted if their electricity goes out.

The truth is, VoIP's benefits far outweigh any potential drawbacks. Here's what you need to know about VoIP to decide if it's right for your business--plus tips for making the most out of VoIP service.*A8A79F6E-5A1E-47F7-9136-8D1194E0B64F*jpeg?alt=media&token=799eb26f-945b-4c3a-86b1-5a1fdb9ad2e9
Since its inception, the quality of VoIP service has come a long way. Early VoIP products required both parties in a conversation to be at a computer. Not only was this extremely limiting, but the sound quality was often poor. Today's VoIP service has evolved and allows you to make and receive calls using standard phones or, even better, feature-rich IP phones. Sound quality has vastly improved, too--in fact, many businesses today have abandoned traditional phone systems in favor of VoIP. Many of these businesses have the ability to leverage their own data network to carry phone calls originating and terminating within their office with additional savings and benefits.

Using VoIP can significantly reduce your telecommunications costs. Operating costs for VoIP service providers are significantly lower than for traditional phone companies, which must contend with the existing, expensive-to-maintain phone infrastructure and costly industry regulations. With lower expenses, VoIP providers can charge much less than their competitors.*6852A3FB-3C18-466E-B1EF-9C9451083771*png?alt=media&token=33daf44e-323d-4fac-b655-f986f3dbb776
Migrating your phone system to the cloud is quick and easy, with little to no start-up costs, and no-fuss maintenance.